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Season: 2010-2011   [ Supporter: Jeremy Hoffman ]
Currently showing clubs in
Ligue 1 Orange

Valenciennes -
Caen -
Nancy -
Rennes -
Auxerre -
Lorient -
Sochaux -
Saint-Étienne -
Montpellier -
No photolog entries. Valenciennes needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Valenciennes's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade Nungesser
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Valenciennes  Valenciennes is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade Nungesser
43 Bis Avenue de Reims, Valenciennes 59300 
No photolog entries. Caen needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Caen's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade Michel d'Ornano
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Caen  Caen is in Ligue 1 Orange Caen was promoted at the end of last season
Stade Michel d'Ornano
23 Boulevard Georges Pompidou, Caen 14000 
No photolog entries. Nancy needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Nancy's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade Marcel Picot
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Nancy  Nancy is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade Marcel Picot
90 Boulevard Jean Jaurès, Tomblaine 54510 
No photolog entries. Rennes needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Rennes's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade de la Route de Lorient
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Rennes  Rennes is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade de la Route de Lorient
111 Route de Lorient, Rennes 35039 
No photolog entries. Auxerre needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Auxerre's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade de l'Abbé Deschamps
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Auxerre  Auxerre is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade de l'Abbé Deschamps
Route de Vaux, Auxerre 89000 
No photolog entries. Lorient needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Lorient's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade Yves Allainmat - Le Moustoir
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Lorient  Lorient is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade Yves Allainmat - Le Moustoir
Rue du Tour des Portes, Lorient 56104 
No photolog entries. Sochaux needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Sochaux's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade Bonal
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These controls are disabled in this viewThese controls are disabled in this view
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Sochaux  Sochaux is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade Bonal
Impasse de la Forge, Montbeliard 25200 
No photolog entries. Saint-Étienne needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Saint-Étienne's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade Geoffroy-Guichard
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These controls are disabled in this viewThese controls are disabled in this view
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Saint-Étienne  Saint-Étienne is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade Geoffroy-Guichard
14 Rue Paul et Pierre Guichard, Saint-Étienne 42028 
No photolog entries. Montpellier needs a photolog entry. Click and be the first to add your memories/photos to Montpellier's photolog!

Click to visit Google Maps detailed street-level map of Stade de la Mosson
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These controls are disabled in this viewThese controls are disabled in this view
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Montpellier  Montpellier is in Ligue 1 Orange
Stade de la Mosson
Avenue de Heidelberg, Montpellier 34000 
Lille area - 1 football club
Lens area - 1 football club
Paris Saint-Germain<Stade de France<
Paris area - 1 football club, 1 stadium
Brest area - 1 football club
Lyon area - 1 football club
Bordeaux area - 1 football club
Avignon area - 1 football club
Nice / Monaco area - 2 football clubs
Toulouse area - 1 football club
Marseille area - 1 football club
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